Qirui Wu

qiruiw at sfu dot ca


I am a Ph.D student in 3DLG-HCVC Lab at Simon Fraser University, supervised by Prof. Angel X. Chang. I also closely collaborate with Prof. Manolis Savva and Prof. Daniel Ritchie. My research goal aims at designing systems and developing algorithms for understanding and composing cluttered lifelike indoor 3D scenes that enables interactions among embodied agents and humans. More specifically, I’m interested in

  • Open-world 3D scene understanding
  • Scene-level interactable 3D content creation from real world
  • Multi-modality learning between 2D, 3D and language
  • Embodied AI and robotics in general interior 3D environments

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  1. r3ds.png
    R3DS: Reality-linked 3D Scenes for Panoramic Scene Understanding
    arXiv, 2023
  2. generalizing_shape_retrieval.png
    Generalizing Single-View 3D Shape Retrieval to Occlusions and Unseen Objects
    arXiv, 2023


  1. d3net.png
    D^3Net: A Unified Speaker-Listener Architecture for 3D Dense Captioning and Visual Grounding
    Dave Zhenyu ChenQirui Wu, Matthias Nießner, and Angel X. Chang
    In Proc. of the European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV), 2022


  1. plan2scene.png
    Plan2Scene: Converting Floorplans to 3D Scenes
    In Proc. of the Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), Jun 2021